Professional organisation of insurance intermediaries

Representing the common interests for 30 years

Professional organisation of insurance intermediaries

Representing the common interests for 30 years

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The Association represents domestic and foreign non-life insurance intermediaries operating in Slovakia.
SASP is an independent professional organisation. Its members are always on the client's side, their aim is to help clients correctly identify the scope of their insurance needs, navigate the range of financial products and choose the optimal solution, not only in terms of price, but above all in terms of the scope and quality of the insurance cover.


Representation of the services of an insurance broker
Building and improving relationships with all participants of the insurance market
Modification and creation of legislation in the field of insurance and financial intermediation
Developing and improving cooperation with insurance companies
Developing relationships with non-member insurance brokers
Establishing long-term and mutually beneficial contacts with intermediaries and associations in other countries
Publication activities and relations with professional media and social networks
Education activities and information services


Since its establishment, SASP has been in contact with the European Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries BIPAR - in order to maintain overview of developments in the insurance markets and international trends in the insurance sector.
BIPAR = Bureau International des Producteurs d´Assurances & de Réassurances ( The European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries ) was founded in 1937 and has been based in Brussels since 1989. It currently represents 47 national associations in 31 countries. SASP was admitted as a full member in 1998 at its annual meeting in Athens.
Membership of BIPAR provides us with advance information on ongoing legislative processes within the European institutions and the opportunity to comment on new rules during their preparation and implementation.
Scheduled events
European regulations
Legislation activities
Slovak Association of Insurance Intermediaries

Business centrum ARUBA
Galvaniho 7/D
821 04 Bratislava

© 2024 SASP.